Sandra Alvarez
Consulting Director
the weewoo world

I have spent my career directing and producing a wide spectrum of documentary and television programs . . .
… appearing on CNN, Netflix, Sundance Channel, History Channel, BBC America, A&E Network, and Discovery Channel. My most recent feature, InHospitable, follows a groups of patients-turned-activists as they fight back after their local hospital made vital care unaffordable.
Helping to create and produce the content on WeeWoo has been an incredible experience.
Not only do I get to work with one of my best friends, Deborah Quibell, but I also get to make the kind of meaningful content that I can share with my two young children. My three-year-old Maya LOVES the “Setting My Energy” yoga video and asks for it every day!
In her survival kit :
Wipies, stress ball, chocolate covered almonds
Her mantra :
If the problem can be solved, why worry? If the problem cannot be solved, worrying will do you no good. –Shantideva