Episode 13

WeeWonna Talk Podcast

Ep 13 | Respecting the Wishes of Others: Let’s explore kindness and respect

Episode Length: 11:01


Through this episode, children will : 

  • Have a deeper understanding of what respect means (and how to practice it)
  • Understand that to be kind means we take into consideration what the other person likes and dislikes
  • What to do if we accidentally upset someone when we think we are being kind. 


It’s important for children to understand that kindness includes respecting the wishes and boundaries of others. Join Dr. Deborah Quibell, Amaya and Beezly as they dive deeply into the meaning of respect and how it connects to being kind through an honest and meaningful dialogue. Deborah also provides some fun reflections or journaling ideas to make the lessons more memorable for children. 

Through this episode, children will have a deeper understanding of what respect means and how to practice it. We hope to broaden their definition of kindness to include considering the feelings and wishes of others, and give them a simple strategy to follow when they accidentally upset someone else or disrespect them without knowing. 


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