“I am me” Mantra Journal for Kids

This week we have a really special and fun activity to help children discover the goodness they already hold within and identify five of their positive inner qualities. 

It can be very difficult for children to identify and name the good parts of their character and personality. Some of the reasons for this are : 

  1. They don’t have the language or terms yet
  2. They don’t have many activities that help them appreciate who they already are.
  3. They live in a world that is always pushing them to be better rather than helping them look inside and feel enough.

We wanted to create a fun activity that would help to address these points and inspire a sense of self-discovery and, most importantly, self-love. 

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Inside this Journal Your Kids Will Have Access to . . .

The “I am me” Mantra Journal is all about helping children identify the good qualities they already hold, which can lead to a new and deeper sense of self-confidence.

An exploration of what “mantra” means

In order to create own mantra.

The Inner Qualities Quiz

A fun game that will help your child uncover a few of his or her or their good qualities.

An opportunity to write your own mantra

Which can be something for children repeat over and over again to foster a sense of self-love.

Download the journal

Simple and Free to Access.

Fill out this short form, download, and print out the “I am me” Mantra Journal pages to get started.

You’ll also be added to the WeeWoo email list.
We respect your privacy and will never share your name or contact info with anyone else.

and just who are we?

meet WeeWoo & founders

WeeWoo Encourages Heart Happy Kids Around the World

As a global citizen, WeeWoo is a content and media channel that creates content and products to encourage heart-happy kids around the world.

Raised by three moms (a doctor of depth psychology; a pediatric occupational therapist; and an educator), WeeWoo’s real magic is mixing research-based techniques with fun and imagination . . . leaving a reliable, colorful, and all-inclusive platform to help raise a generation of kind, compassionate, and courageous children.

Be warned: WeeWoo is an eternal optimist, believing that children have incredible beauty and potential, already inside of them. They are relentlessly dedicated to helping kids discover this truth, motivating them to find and trust in their power to create a more beautiful world.